some on the months in 2022 are blocked or partially blocked out. I did not block any of them. Please help me as I do not want to unblock them one day at a time.

some on the months in 2022 are blocked or partially blocked out. I did not block any of them. Please help me as I do not want to unblock them one day at a time.

Some of the months are blocked or partially blocked in 2022. I did not block them out.

Please help me unblock the days or  months so I do not have to do one day a time.

Thank you

Carolyn Chynowth


[Phone number hidden due to safety reasons - Community Center Guidelines]

1 Reply 1
Level 10
Sayulita, Mexico

@Carolyn745  Assuming you checked your availability settings to make sure that it isn't marked as only available for 3 or 6 months into the future, l am able to click on the first day of a period I want to block or open, drag through to the last day, which then highlights that whole period, and then make them available or blocked on the right hand side of the page.


This is on the desktop version, not app, using Chrome browser, on the monthly calendar view.