Cancelled by guest but still staying

Level 1
Meeth, United Kingdom

Cancelled by guest but still staying

Hi my guest could not find the place as THEY had written the address wrong, and sat in a car park for an hour unfortunately I was out of service for that hour and so they rang air b&b and cancelled the booking but I got back to them just after and explained where they needed to be so they never mentioned cancelling and our in the property now and after showing them their mistake on the address they are now happy. However I’m not sure how I get airb&b to pay me now as also been fined for not getting back to them sooner ?? Hope this makes sense x

1 Reply 1
Level 10
Leeuwarden, The Netherlands



Airbnb must reinstate the reservation, otherwise the guests must leave.

The dates are probably blocked now, as Airbnb performed the cancellation ?


So then the guest can not even rebook.

Contact Airbnb.