SEA Airbnb CL Barter Marketplace @ the SEA CL Summit 2023

Level 10
Las Piñas, Philippines

SEA Airbnb CL Barter Marketplace @ the SEA CL Summit 2023


Ah, the Southeast Asian Airbnb Community Leaders Barter Marketplace: the summit that's less of a meeting and more of an international snack swap meet. The tension was as thick as a block of Indonesian tempeh as delegates from across the region assembled. One could hear the proverbial creak of a taut diplomatic spring roll, ready to unfurl.

There was Malaysia, with treats so meticulously prepared you'd think the Petronas Towers were made of marzipan. The representative's wide smile said, "We’re all friends here," but the eyes whispered, "Just you wait until my dodol wins the crowd."

Then Indonesia entered, the godfather of spicy relishes, waltzing in like it owned the archipelago. “Want to barter? Fine, but we invented trade – we've got some Nutmeg Island history to prove it!”, the delegate probably thought, with a mischievous glint in their eyes.

Vietnam appeared in a flurry of subtle flavors and age-old recipes passed down from ancient dynasties. “We withstood Chinese, French and American invasions,” the representative might have winked, “but you haven’t seen diplomatic tenacity until you've traded spring rolls for durian candy.”

Thailand, the Land of Smiles, approached with that famous hospitality. But behind every Thai smile is a formidable chess player in a centuries-long match of wits. The delegate seemed to exude an aura of "We mastered the art of sweet, sour, spicy, and salty all in one dish. Top that!”

And then the Philippines, strolling in like they’d just come from a beach party, casually dropped a smorgasbord of treats like it was the mic at a rap battle. "We've been bartering with the Chinese since the 9th century, y'all," their eyes seemed to say. "This ain’t our first pancit."

In the midst of this culinary clash of titans, a newcomer to the Southeast Asian scene might think they've wandered into a scene from 'Game of Scones', but in the end, the beauty of this gathering is that no matter who walks away with the most coveted treats, everyone leaves with a full belly and a deeper appreciation for their neighbors.

Or as the ASEAN motto should be: “One Vision, One Identity, One Community, Infinite Snacks”. 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

4 Replies 4
Level 10
Darwin, Australia

Having travelled a fair amount across Asia due to our handy home location, @Bea2137, this REALLY made me smile!


Thank you for the happy visions and a reminder of the fantastic array of foods.

We have a number of markets here in Darwin, and I’ll have to head down to Rapid Creek markets this weekend. It’s like a farmers market in a way, with so many diverse nationalities selling their fresh Asian vegetables, street foods and sweet delights. 🌻

Level 10
Las Piñas, Philippines

Darwin is just a 4 hour flight from where I live, Manila. Feel free to get in touch should you wish to visit. I’ll shower you with Asian goodies!🥰🥰🥰

Level 10
Huskisson, Australia

@Bea2137 the choices of shared food sounds like a welcoming luncheon for a meet and greet with like minded people. With your  One Vision, One Identity, One Community and Ifinite Snacks which must have had Strength to go Forward for the Future.

Level 10
Las Piñas, Philippines

It is, indeed! Have you joined any host meet-ups in your location?