What Hosts are saying

    Hello everyone, Welcome to our Community Guide board - a place full of the best advice and tactics by Hosts, for Hosts! In this section you are going to find a plethora of guides, tips and tutorials created by our hosting community on mastering the ar...
    I have less than a year of hosting experience and so far, I'm happy with the experience. I've been privileged to have amazing guests so far. As an architect and interior designer, I notice many mistakes in some properties, and I'd like to share my thought... Latest reply by Kia272
    Hello everyone I'm excited to share some essential tips to start posting in our Community. If you're new and wondering where to start, this guide is designed to help you successfully navigate through our community. Let us know if any of these tips ... Latest reply by Totok1
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    hi, hosts! i wanted to discuss with you ways to make our listings be worth more! For years i rented apartments in New York City and in Milan, I would like to share with you tips and to invite you to share yours! write your best value in the title. does... Latest reply by Sharon1898
    Greetings everyone! My name is Dolly Duran and I am a Host in sunny Ft. Lauderdale, Florida. I am also a proud member of the Host Advisory Board. I am thrilled that Airbnb asked me to share my experience on the fantastic new Listings tab experience intr... Latest reply by Alex1485
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    Airbnb Tax Tutorial – State of Florida, Revised April 9, 2024 To ALL Florida Hosts,There seems to be a lot of confusion over the topic of tax, so I wrote a Florida Tax Tutorial. This information is accurate as of April 2024. Where Do I Find My Airbnb Ear...