How I set differential pricing depending on number of guests

Level 2
Wellington, New Zealand

How I set differential pricing depending on number of guests

i have a house I want to list that can fit 16 people, but it is also bookable for just four people (that is the minimum). I need a complex pricing system with a special nighly price for four people, but then a figure per night for every extra person beyond 4 people up to sixteen, and with a lower price for children per night. How do I do this so that it is clear that anyone choosing the house knows how many people it can accommodate but also know that just four people can come?

3 Replies 3
Level 10
Kraków, Poland

Unfortunately, @Shenagh0, you can only set a flat rate for each person above that 4, up to 16. I suggest doing so at a reasonable level, but then adding info at the beginning of your description what policy of pricing you run because the current airbnb system does not support such settings. Airbnb developers have yet to learn from an older cousing from the Netherlands.

// "The only person you can trust is yourself"

Airbnb does allow pricing per guest per night, as I know a number listings where this is so. I'm trying to find out how you configure this. Any ideas?


If you want to set a per-guest pricing, you

  1. Edit your listing
  2. Select the "Pricing" tab
  3. Press the "Edit" button for the section "Standard fees and charges"
  4. For "Extra guests", choose an amount and when to begin charging extra fees.