Just one of those things

Level 5
Madison, VA

Just one of those things

I get frustrated when people do not read a few paragraphs about my listing but state they are very excited about staying here! At times a person asking the most questions are the ones asking for "favors" with changed dates or reduced pricing and end up cancelling a reservation after bending over backward to please them. Frustrated host.

1 Reply 1
Level 7
London, United Kingdom

Hi @Rosemary18,


It really is just one of those things, isn't it? Still a bit annoying at times though, when, as you say, you go to great effort to be a great host in advance. Oh well, I like to think of it as ones who found something else that suited them better, who might have been a bit difficult anyway, or maybe ones that just couldn't choose you this time but might remember how good you were and mention you to friends - who knows!


Anyway, keep on truckin'! 😄