No longer able to book in Airbnb - All forms of payment are declined

Level 1
Dublin, Ireland

No longer able to book in Airbnb - All forms of payment are declined

Hi all,


I thought of asking help to the Community as Airbnb themselves won't resolve my issue. I've used Airbnb multiple times before for travelling in different countries. Bar from one truly bad room, it has been a largely positive experience.


I've always used the same debit card from Ireland, where I live now for the last 7 years. For some reason since last month Airbnb won't ;let me use this card (or any other for the matter) saying "payment could not be processed" I've checked this with my bank and they're not able to even see any attempt made, which implies something within Airbnb is rejecting outright the transaction.


As said, I've tried different cards an"d even Paypal, although the error changes to "server unavailable, please try again later". My girlfriend booked a flat for us last month without any issues using an Irish debit card which means this is an issue specific to my account. I've obviously raised this with Aribnb multiple times asking them to please check my account and have got nowhere as they just will tell me there's nothing wrong and to please check again.


I'm seriously thinking of quitting the platform as they just won't let me book anymore, has anyone experienced anything similar? Is there something they're not telling me? My reviews from host have been positive so doubt is a reputational issue.


Thanks in advance,



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