Price Difference between actual on host Listing and what's displayed to travellers

Level 2
Victoria, Seychelles

Price Difference between actual on host Listing and what's displayed to travellers

Our price is fixed at 39 Euros a night, but that displayed ffor guests is 28 Euros.  I understand if it was a percentagee higher with commission for Airbnb, but not thaat much lower. How does Airbnb get that price of 28 Euros?????

1 Reply 1
Level 10
Leeuwarden, The Netherlands

Hello @Rose-and-Luc0 ,

Your listing shows prices from 28 to 40 Euro (depending on date). You should check your price settings, for example on june 27 it is euro 32, on june 28 it is Euro 40. Goto your calender and check the daily prices. 

Best regards, Emiel