Reservation for a relative

Level 2
Hull, United Kingdom

Reservation for a relative

I have had a reservation from someone for her dad. Where do I stand with air bnb insurance etc? I'm on instant book so I can't cancel it without repercussions but I'm uncomfortable that the booking is made by a different person to that who is staying. Any advice please?
4 Replies 4
Level 10
Amsterdam, Netherlands

That's third person booking and not supported by Airbnb. Contact the guest and tell them to figure it out with Airbnb . They could help their Dad to open up their own account.

Level 10
London, United Kingdom

Third party bookings are against policy - and not allowed under IB either. So if you are uncomfortable then let the guest know that what she has done is wrong and her Dad should have a profile uploaded, or you will have to ask AirBnB to cancel the reservation. You can explain nicely that you are not covered by their insurance policy for bookings made for other people.


Having said that...lots of people take 3rd party bookings from people for their parents who are visting, etc...

I've messaged her and no reply 4 days later, next steps?
Level 10
Bristol, United Kingdom

Gill just call BNB tell them you have received a third party booking and ask them to cancel it for you.


If you look at the second post under community help - there is a post with all the ways to contact BNB


Do have a look at the BNB info on its website for hosts including about IB. You will see that you are not correct in stating you can't cancel through BNB you can up to three times. You can also ask BNB to cancel if you get bookings that break your rules or BNB rules.


Having said that I would say take IB off until you are more familiar with hosting.