Toilet Cleaning

Level 2
Blandford Forum, United Kingdom

Toilet Cleaning

Hi everyone,


As Sandra left a tip on grout cleaning, my commander-in-chief (my lovely wife) asked me to pass this on.


She too swears by white vinegar, she also swears by those tablet thingies people with false teeth plonk into a glass of water with their choppers overnight.  After a good scrub with the trusty loo brush, a very liberal dose of the good old white vinegar, flush and to finish off half of one of said tablets, leave for a while to work it's magic.  Result, gleaming loo you can see your face in; if you lack for a mirror.


Hope it helps with not the best of jobs when preparing for a guest.




4 Replies 4
Level 10
Mount Barker, Australia


I love your initiative Colin but as I still having the 32 I was allocated at birth I don't have need for those tablets that you speak of but, one thing did strike me.....It would be a massively more expensive way of cleaning the bog than putting in a dose of the ol 'Toilet Duck'....wouldn't it!!!


Level 2
Blandford Forum, United Kingdom

Hi Rob,

Happliy, like you I still have a full head of teeth, as does the C-in-C.  She read it on mumsnet, font of all knowledge as far as she's concerned.

Buy Tesco or whoever's own brand and they're as cheap as, dare I say it, chips?




Level 10
Mount Barker, Australia


Ok, I conceed you may have a point! When you said 'cheap as dare I say, chips', do you have 'Cheap as Chips' over there? I buy 4 packs of dove soap from Cheap as Chips here....if I look closely enough it's probably got Indonesian writing on the pack somewhere or other! But I get them for $2 au per pack! That's 50c a cake for full size luxury soap. So every guest (even overnighters) get a full size cake of Dove moisturising soap.

There are lots of ways you can provide nice little touches if you shop judiciously! I have been caned in the past by a Malaysian host for offering a cheese plate to guests but, I get the cheeses through a deal I have with the local supermarkets. If a cheese is within 5 days of the use by date they will reduce it heavily. If the wrapper also has a tear in it, they will virtually give it away so I offer a cheese plate worth around twelve dollars to each guest for less than one dollar.....why wouldn't you??

Keep up the good work Colin, but just make sure you keep track of where you are putting those tablets!!!!


Level 2
Blandford Forum, United Kingdom

Hi Rob,

I don't know of any shop in UK called cheap as chips, there's probably one somewhere though.

Cheap as chips is a catchphrase used by a cheesy, orange, buffon haired tv presenter here in the UK.

