Verified I.D. & Instant Book

Level 1
Buda, TX

Verified I.D. & Instant Book

Hello, I'm a new host and opted to use instant book only if the guest was highly rated by other hosts. I was recently "instantly booked" by a person who does not have any information in her profile except her picture.  I though that it was required for guests to have information about themselves posted.  There were no ratings posted at all and it stated that she was a new member.

Is this a situation where someone has bypassed the security settings? Is this a common occurance? I'm worried that people are hacking the site.  Please help me.  I wanted to pre-approve another guest but this instant book is blocking the dates.

2 Replies 2
Level 3
Asheville, NC

Do not do instant book. You really do not need to. Either people are verifiable or not. If they're not willing to be verifiable you don't want them. Airbnb is the only site that I've found that does this and I will not use anyone else because of that.

My current guest does not have a profile pic and I accepted the booking. She's been as great as any other guest.

I've had other people instant-book and haven't had any issues.