Wanting to cancel a guest without penalty

Level 2
London, United Kingdom

Wanting to cancel a guest without penalty



We have just had to cancel a booking for next May 2018 as the price wasn't right. I think i had "Instant Book" on (although tried to turn it off but it obviously didnt work as they want you to keep it on so mak the steps involved lengthy) and then a guest booked at a price we didnt want. I emailed him with the new price but he didnt accept.


If i cancel the booking I am reading that our calendar will stay blocked for the dates of the cancelled reservation and we  also won’t be eligible to earn Superhost status for one year. How can that be so? Mistakes happen and it;s so far away that he has time to make other plans: i cancelled within 5 minutes of him booking

thanks for any advice!!
1 Reply 1
Level 10
La Quinta, CA

I can certainly empathize with you, @Simon-And-Victoria0.  I have been caught with a low rate for a popular time as well.  I looked at your profile because I was hoping you were a new host and could plead ignorance, but you do have some experience, 10 reviews, so I don't know how your case will be viewed.   I never cancelled due to my mistakes of pricing and just chalked it up to learning curve.  


Anyway, rule of thumb is never cancel a booking unless you can prove extenuating circumstances as you will not be able to book the dates.  If you want to speak with Air BNB rep, here is a guide for contacting Air BNB.



BTW, what other hosts have done when Air BNB blocks dates due to host cancellation, is to book through another platform.  Just a thought.