What is acceptable linen cleaning for long stay guest?

Level 2
Ontario, Canada

What is acceptable linen cleaning for long stay guest?

We have guests who are going to stay 2 months.

There is no laundry included.

But we will wash bed linens and towels.

Once a week acceptable?

5 Replies 5
Level 10
New York, NY

@Roger105 I think once a week is acceptable. You can always ask your guests and if they prefer a more frequent wash you can charge a small fee for that if that'd be ok with them.

Level 10
Kraków, Poland



Put four sets of linen (Duvet Cover, Sheet and Pillow cases or whatever you configuration is) in the linen cupboard and let the guest work it out for them if they need a change.


Mind you they may be like a guest who changed the bed linen every day and nearly broke a Host heart in one post I saw a few months back





The Explorer's Club Krakow III

The Explorer's Club Krakow VIII

Thanks for the valuable advise.


Level 10
Windermere, United Kingdom

The previosu advice given was the once weekly change of bed linen allowed for an inspection of the listing each week

Thanks, that is a valuable tip.

