The amount of payout money received (after Airbnb fees) is less then it should be

Level 2
Rome, Italy

The amount of payout money received (after Airbnb fees) is less then it should be

Hello fellow hosts,

every payout that I've received this year was smaller then i should be. The amount of money sent towards me (the amount i see in the payout email) is different from the one my bank received in the range of 20-60e. I've though it's the state VAT or the fee due to currency exchange, but the support from the Airbnb told me that both of those things goes into account in the regular Airbnb fee. My next reservation is in a few days, have someone else had the similar experience?


Thank you in advance

Luka 🙂

3 Replies 3
Level 10
England, United Kingdom

@Luka401 what does your transaction list say? It feels like it must be a bank charge at your end if the transaction amount equals the email amount.

Level 2
Rome, Italy

I will give an example of the last case, maybe i didn't explained it right. The amount after the Airbnb took the Host fee was 228e(this was stated in the app and in the payout e-mail) . In the bank arrived 203e i saw that from the transaction list, and bank took their commission of 1%, so in the end 201e for me. This is why i think it must be Airbnb. 

Btw thank you for your response @Mike-And-Jane0 

Level 10
England, United Kingdom

@Luka401 how weird. Try calling Airbnb again when their Irish call centre is open as I believe it usually gives better service than elsewhere.