Contact hosts I learned about from this forum

Level 8
United States

Contact hosts I learned about from this forum

hello is it ok to contact hosts directly through their listing  that I learn about from this forum. 

7 Replies 7

@Susan612 this forum has a direct messaging function you can use to contact contributors.


The other way to contact a member with an active listing is with a fake booking inquiry. This gesture is usually considered an unwelcome waste of their time. If you contact members to advertise products or services, Airbnb may delete your account. 

Level 8
United States

@Anonymous @Thank you for the reply. I will use direct messaging. It is only to discuss further issues that hosts wrote about in the forum if they are not following the thread and participating in it anymore 

@Anonymous How would I send a direct message? 

Level 10
Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom

@Susan612  Click on the person's profile picture and a box will pop up, giving you the option to 'send message'.

(Saying that, I just tried to direct message you from within this thread and that option wasn't available, strangely... ? Ah, functionality here does seem to come and go...)

@Susan612  If someone posts in a thread, they will get notifications when more posts appear in that thread. Users who are not participating anymore are not likely looking at the forum at all anymore and will not be likely to know they have a private message.


Considering that you are the poster who started a long thread a few years ago, in which you listed all the things you are allergic to, from leaves on the roof, to the water system, to carpets, wanted hosts to send you photos of their roofs, and insisted on booking places, arriving to "check" whether the place was suitable for you, then cancelling when it wasn't, or expecting hosts to let you sleep on their living room couch instead of the roomyou had booked,  I'm not sure how welcome private messages from you would be. 

Oh snap

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London, United Kingdom

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