Bungalow accommodation with green cover feel like home while...
Bungalow accommodation with green cover feel like home while away from home at vintage location in Prayagraj
Dear Colleagues
To encourage long term booking I apply high discounts to these reservations .However the very high increase of prices of energy (gas,oil,electricity) puts a complicated problem for this kind of booking which I faced this year (2021-2022).The combination of high prices with low temperatures during winter (and very high during summer) has taken the corresponding bills to that heights ,that if I add the rest bills ,like internet,common expenses of the building ,cleaning expenses,services etc plus taxes it remains almost nothing .
One approach to the problem might be to rearrange prices so that to compensate these expenses.However it is not possible to foresee the exact impact of the above factors on expenses and of course it is not fair to charge beforehand with additional fees people who for any reason will not have very high consumption.
To tangle this enigma I suggest to apply the following fair-i hope-approach for long term residents from 1/12-28/2 There will be an allowance in heating bills up to, say, 60 euros per month . The exceeding amount will be paid by the guest at the beginning of each month (the bill will refer to the previous month) .The justification document will be the relevant receipt .
All the above must be included in the listing and must be repeated at the moment of the reservation in case they have not been seen
Of course if guests do not agree with the above they may cancel the reservation according to the cancelling policy
What is your view ?
Hi @Ioannis93,
That's a really interesting question! Have you already started using this new method of calculation and prediction, or is it something you are still refining and finalising? It would be great to hear how you get on with this approach as it might help other Hosts facing similar challenges.
Thanks 🙂
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@Ioannis93 That sounds quite reasonable, altho I don't know what the cost of electricity is where you live to know if 60 euros is what you would consider to be average, reasonable consumption.
Guests who are oblivious or wasteful or who indulge in expensive habits, like blasting the heat 24/7, leaving all the lights on even when they are out, and taking 45 minute hot showers, should be made aware that using beyond a reasonable amount of electricity for the average person is not something that the host should be expected to pay for.
Showing long term guests a few of your recent past bills, so they understand what "average and reasonable" consumption has historically been, should help to make it clear that you aren't just trying to make them pay for something that "should" be included.
Unfortunately, this is so complicated because what is considered "indulging in expensive habits" is highly subjective and then some people feel freezing cold in the middle of summer whilst others wander around in their underwear in the middle of winter.
What I have found is that people are either conscious about these things or not. If they are not, then they absolutely do not understand the concept of trying to save energy and simply will not accept that the house is not tropical 24/7 at all times of year. Those are the people who want the heating on full blast but will walk around in shorts and a vest top and leave the windows open.
How does one deal with those types of guests? It is all about how you were brought up and also, I suspect, whether you have yet to pay your own bills. It's not that easy to re-educate guests overnight... if at all.
Thanks for the answer.
I see it's been a while since this was discussed, but I’m curious—has anyone noticed any new ways to keep energy costs down without affecting guest comfort? I’ve been looking into smart thermostats and energy-efficient appliances, but I’d love to hear if anyone has tried other small changes that made a big difference. Are guests generally receptive to energy-saving tips during their stay?
I’ve found that Octopus Energy tariffs ** are great for keeping costs down, especially with their flexible and smart tariffs. If your bookings vary a lot, their dynamic pricing can adjust based on usage patterns rather than locking you into a rigid rate.
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