Help Moving Existing Listing to LLC

Level 1
Dallas, TX

Help Moving Existing Listing to LLC

Hello everyone,


I'm trying to move my listing out of my and my partner's names into our already created LLC. We're already receiving payouts at our LLC business checking account, and I've added our LLC's tax information, but I can't figure out how to transfer the listing so Airbnb knows the legal entity managing it is our LLC, not us.


Some official Airbnb guidance I found online referred me to "Professional hosting tools," but this seems to be a dead-end with nowhere to toggle configurations, just videos on how to be a better host.




Any ideas?

1 Reply 1
Level 10
England, United Kingdom

@Sean1355 if professional hosting tools are needed you can switch them on in your account settings.

I think you may fall foul of the Airbnb rule that listings can't be transferred between new and old owners........