Immediate Action for ALL Custer County, Colorado Hosts!

Immediate Action for ALL Custer County, Colorado Hosts!

This is for IMMEDIATE ACTION if you want to protect YOUR PROPERTY RIGHTS as a Short Term Rental (STR). Please refer to section 9.10 in this linked document:


Please read thoroughly and carefully. Public Hearings are to be held next week on September 28, Monday 1-3pm and September 29, Tuesday 6-8PM. Let your voice be heard loudly whether with an email, in person, or by phone! This will greatly impact our County's economy and local tourism as there are less than 60 traditional hotel/motel rooms available.


If you know other property owners who have STRs, please pass this on to them. PLEASE READ and TAKE ACTION!


Contact Info:

Primary Contacts for any letters to be considered for next week's public meetings:

Jackie Barnes, Head of County Planning & Zoning:

Vic Barnes, Chair of Planning and Zoning Committee:


It is not yet before the County Commissioners but may eventually be: 
Custer County Colorado Commissioners:

Tom Flower: Cell 719-371-4879
Bill Canda: Cell 719-431-9979
Jay Printz: Cell 719-371-7979

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