Licensing for short-term rental in New York

Level 2
New York, United States

Licensing for short-term rental in New York

can someone who was approved for short term rental license in Bronx New York help me get approve? I have a detached, one family, 3 bedroom 2 bathroom house. 

2 Replies 2
Community Manager
Community Manager
Port Moody, Canada

Hello @Jenny1924 and welcome to the Airbnb Community Center!


Since our community is a global forum, it might take a while for fellow Hosts in New York to see your post. Meanwhile, I'm sharing some conversations related to this topic >>here<<, so you can get an idea of what some Hosts in your area have previously discussed.


It could also be a good idea to join the New York Host Club to exchange ideas and experiences with fellow local Hosts.



Please follow the Community Guidelines // Por favor consulta las Normas de la comunidad

Level 2
New York, United States

Thanks a million Paula.