Registration Denial in Chicago - HELP

Level 2
Chicago, IL

Registration Denial in Chicago - HELP

Good morning, I hope everyone is well. Is anybody having issues getting registered with Chicago given the most recent changes with the short term rental laws? Has anyone worked with an Attorney/Advisor who helps with Commissioner's Adjustment Application Appeals? Any Successes? 

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

4 Replies 4
Level 10
Bristol, United Kingdom

This is a global community so you might be better seeing if there is a local Chicago host group @Dan356 


There are some Chicago hosts here though.

Level 10
Chicago, IL

@Dan356  I think @Helen3 's suggestion of looking for one of the local Facebook groups is probably a good one.  I don't belong to any, so, unfortunately, I can't help there. 


The new registration system, registering directly with the City and paying a $125 license fee, takes effect April 2021.  The new rules mainly target "party houses". One-night stays are prohibited, effective since October 17th. I don't believe any other new items impact the process for appealing denials. 

Level 2
Chicago, IL

Thanks @Helen3 and @Michelle53

Level 2
Chicago, IL

Hi @Dan356  did you get guidance on this? I just received an adjustment denial and I am trying to reach next steps.