What Hosts are saying

    Hello everyone, Ever since Airbnb Experiences were launched, I have seen some Hosts discussing and launching their own Experiences. I love that over here in London, we have a great assortment of walking tours, pub tours, and, in general, some lovel... Latest reply by Hayfa0
    • Screenshot 2021-10-21 at 16.42.34.png
    Hey there,I currently rent, and me and my landlord are looking into doing Airbnb together with renting out the spare room in my apt. I know it's wise to get a backup personal insurance in addition to Airbnb's coverage, but is there anything you recommend ... Latest reply by Mike-And-Jane0
    The 'substitute' W9 is lacking the option on tax classification to choose 'Other' and type in non-profit corporation. How can I bypass this new requirement or submit an actual IRS form W9 so that I can continue hosting? Latest reply by Mike-And-Jane0