Booking without approval

Level 2
Florida, United States

Booking without approval

I just received a message that someone had booked my unit.  There was no communication up front and Airbnb was nowhere in the text message I got for the booking.  I do not have auto-booking on either


How does this happen?  Have I been hacked?  


Any insight would greatly appreciated.



16 Replies 16
Level 10
Leeuwarden, The Netherlands

Hi @Matthew285 and @Lawrene0 ,

In my opinion a filter is a...filter ! It filters something out of a larger amount of results. 

So when I filter on listings which have IB, i like to see them. But then the filter suddenly acts like a policeagent: As you are not qualified for IB, we don't show them at all to you ! (BTW I have a verified ID in my profile). I have 5 listings, none of them have IB. Searching Airbnb for my town will show them in the results, but when filtered for IB="on" they don't appear in results. That is correct and it's the way a filter should work.

Level 10
Bergen, Norway


As others said, you need to check your settings.  For the moment I can Instant Book your place, so it must somehow be on.