How to time incoming email alerts to within waking hours?

Level 2
Edinburgh, United Kingdom

How to time incoming email alerts to within waking hours?

Airbnb often send requests for reviews by me before the check-out time for guests.
Sometimes emails arrive at night. Yesterday an email requesting a review of guests arrived at 12.53am when noth I and presumably the guests were asleep.

How can I limit incoming standard notificaitons from Airbnb to within normal waking hours?

4 Replies 4
Level 10
Kraków, Poland


The smartest way to modify this behaviour I think, would be to charge a Guest for an inquiry outside waking hours, I couldn’t count the amount of times I have gotten inquiries after 12:00 midnight that never produce a booking and can go on for twenty minutes or more.


I think a inquiry fee of Euros 30 would put a stop to their cough.


The Explorer’s Club Krakow III
The Explorer’s Club Krakow VIII


Level 2
Edinburgh, United Kingdom

Thanks, but it is rarely guests's enquiries that come during the night, instead it is communications from Airbnb. 
I think I'll do as the other responder suggested: limit incoming notifications on my phone between certain hours except from some numbers. 

Level 10
Bristol, United Kingdom

Change settings on your phone so that only emergency/key family member calls get through during say 12 pm to 7 a.m. or whatever suits.

Level 2
Edinburgh, United Kingdom

Ah, yes. That's clearly a solution. Thank you.