I cannot find my listing when searching

I cannot find my listing when searching

I have listed my property today and completde the process but it does not come up on any search in the area.

 I have tried all date ranges etc etc.

Any ideas?



10 Replies 10

@Jo227, it can take several hours after you complete your listing for the listing to be visible on the map and in search results.

I don't even see a listing on your profile yet, so I don't think enough time has elapsed.


@Jo227, I just checked again and now I can see your listing.

So if you search again now, you should be able to see your listing on the map also.


Thank you!

I can't find my listing and I have been with airbnb for a year ! 

Impossible to contact them direct 

Hello @Jane476,


Your listing showed up on the first page when I searched for "entire home" accommodation in Pals for the 28th to the 29th of January.

I'm not sure if you've done this but, as yours isn't an instant book listing, make sure that the "Instant book" filter is turned off when you search. Airbnb sometimes turns this on automatically for searches.

The post below may also help.

Why can't I see my listing in the search results?




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What a pain! It seems irresponsible to not have human contact on a site that claims to be all about community. Jo

Level 1
Kailua, HI

I have been on airbnb for months.  I do not see my listing right now and for the last several days ive tried to see it. I live in Kaneohe, HI  and my space is available.  I had an issue where I was out of town for my bday adn I had two people apply. I did not get back to them in time and they expired. So I took them off the calendar and did everything it says but still................nothing. You don't even see my listing. 


@Marie694, I looked for your listing by moving the map to cover just Kaneohe.
There were 112 listings shown.

Yours was dead last: # 112 of 112 listings.

I am not sure why your listing is the very lowest ranked one, but you certainly should work on improving this.

(By the way: not responding in time to inquiries is one of the things that pushes your listing lower.)

Search on this board for other discussions on how to improve your search rankings and follow the advice given.

(Also: you could use more photos. 6 is not a lot, and you do not show the couch that is your second bed.)


Hi I have been with Airbnb for almost a year now , and suddenly I can't seem to find my property among the listings.  it is not deleted bcs i tried to add up new pictures to boost it but still cannot see it.

last summer it was rented for long periods hence was not available a lot, does did have a negative impact?



@Iliria0, I was able to find your listing on the map.

I had to move the map quite a bit, as the map does not include your listing with you initially search for "Mijas"


When I moved the map to include only very nearby listings, yours was #51 of 146 listings.

I think your listing is hard to find just because there seem to be a LOT of listings in your area.


Do what can to improve your search ranking and that will help your visibility to guests!


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