Reporting a Serious Issue Involving a Guest


Reporting a Serious Issue Involving a Guest

I've a serious issue with my guest. 

I've been trying to contact someone at Airbnb for a full day and nobody has had the decency to call me or answer my chat. 

Does anybody please have any idea why would Airbnb be so unkind and care so little about it's host? And we're I can write or chat to get some help?


1 Best Answer
3 Replies 3
Level 10
Zagreb, Croatia


Maybe because I am a super hot, I have no problem when I have to contact them. I use Twitter if it is not urgent and get an answer within a few hours.

I call them in case of emergency and never have to wait more than a minute.  As I am in Europe, I call Airbnb Ireland's number

Level 10
Johannesburg, South Africa

One should take care when contacting the platform trip agents as they tend to side with the guest and you may just get into trouble yourself without ever planing to just as we did when we reached out to an agent recently, for our story please do refer the blog at