guests with no reviews/enough verifications

Level 2
San Diego, CA

guests with no reviews/enough verifications


I received a booking request from a person who doesn't have reviews, but apparently is an airbnb member since 2014. He only has   verifications. Can I trust him? 

And what about another guest whose only verifications are: phone number and email address?



4 Replies 4
Level 10
Miami, FL

Everybody has to be a first time guest at some point. We've never had an issue with first time users who were verified, but it's your call.

Level 10
New York, NY

Hi @Lily6

We don’t discriminate against guest with no reviews/verifications… we take them all…


But this is totally up to you... I have had small problems with guest with great reviews and with no reviews…



Level 10
Templeton, CA

@Lily6 I require Verified ID for making reservations and you can too.  Go to Manage Listing and to the left you'll see Reservation Requirements.  Click on the box that requires Verfied ID.  This doesn't mean guests with Verified ID will have reviews, but it is an extra layer of knowing who you are letting in the door. 

The guest you mentioned who has been a member since 2014 might have signed up with the intention of using Airbnb and then didn't for whatever reason.  Not necessarily a bad sign.  Reviews are great, but the lack of them doesn't mean they will be a bad guest. I've had guests with no reviews and first-timers and they have been great. 

Good Luck!

Level 2
Paris, France

Hello ! Just got an inquiry from a guest with 8 verifications and 0 review... How can that be possible ?