iphone air bnb app

Level 1
Portland, OR

iphone air bnb app

Hi all,

Air bnb host in Portland or. Is anyone else having issues with their Iphone app not allowing them to access the calendar? I can access all the other parts of the app but the calendar won't come up

1 Reply 1
Level 10
Templeton, CA

@Patrice64 I'm not having any problem at all accessing my calendar.  You might be having problems because: 


1. You need to be in hosting mode to see your calendar (on the app you need to switch back and forth depending on what your are trying to do), or; 

2. You have inadvertently created two profiles by using two different login methods, i.e. one using an email + password login and a social media log in.  If this is the case, log in both ways if you can and see which one has your listing and calendar.


Hope this helps!