Beds and cleaning

Level 10
New York, United States

Beds and cleaning

How often do you clean the bed or beds meaning mattresses

 1) vacuum mattress 

2) deodorize mattress

3) do you flip the mattress and move it around  

For when the Guest tells you you have bed bugs  you should have a schedule of when you did all of the above

4 Replies 4
Level 10
San Diego, CA

Hi @Edwin57, you can buy (not expensive) TOTALLY SEALED covers for mattresses, as well as pillow cases.  Truly, you can pour a cup of coffee on the mattress and it will not go through.  Poof!  Problem gone.




Level 10
Ormstown, Canada

I use the mattress covers that are hypoallergenic. Nothing gets through them. They are washable too.

Level 10
Stonington, CT

Vacuuming a mattress will not get rid of bed bugs. Only an exterminator can do that, and if a guest suggested I had even the slightest sign of them, I'd have an exterminator there the next day. I also have two sealed mattress covers on (because I've heard from more than one host that a liquid can soak through one if it's left there for long enough) as well as a washable mattress pad on top that I wash between guests. 


Like other hosts, I have a waterproof matress cover, plus a mattress pad on the bed. I also have a bedding cleaner I use to sanitize the mattress and bedding regularly.