Never perfect

Level 2
Auckland, New Zealand

Never perfect

there always something need improve specially after you did all the stuff new...


oh  Stress....

5 Replies 5

@Melody50 keep at it!

It sounds like you are always working to improve, so things should keep getting better and better.


Level 10
Placencia, Belize

Melody, isn't that the most fun aspect of hosting? Lately I been on a 're-arranging' kick, thinking and changing things around to make for greater comfort. I am amazed at the things I missed in the past.

Level 2
Auckland, New Zealand

the only thing for me is hard i dont live local, between my property to where am i live around 250km. so I can not going really offen.:(

Level 10
La Quinta, CA

@Melody50 Every penny I earned from hosting almost 60 groups in 2017 went right back into my listing and buying a new Toyota truck.

Everything from the pool pump, pool heater, pool control panel, new fridge, new dishwasher, toilet plumbing, AC system, shower repairs, furniture and so much more.

Almost $40k when it’s all added up.

My outdoor seating area is weak and I’m tackling that next.

The good thing now is all the patio furniture is on sale in the winter. 

I’m always looking to upgrade my listing.

I will do whatever it takes to be successful in this business. 


At the end of the day, it was me that was working on that listing everyday when it was 115 degrees outside.

I am committed to my listing with an obsessive passion and I will grind you into the ground if you get in my way.

My listing is almost like my child except it doesn’t beg for candy and run around being hyper all the time. 

I know we’re on the right path now after all that work because We get ridiculous comments now like “there was only one dish towel”. I can live with that complaint all day. Lol 


‘You know It’s hard out here for a Host’

Hi Rene


because we just new, so pretty tired specially you dont live local.


too hard to manage.


