No righteous no fair no help and no hope but to accept this ridiculous !

No righteous no fair no help and no hope but to accept this ridiculous !

 A korean lady stayed our apartment for two night After A WEEK the lady request to refund she is not happy of our room she request to refund and she success it the agency refund it without asking me any question or any agreement the guest did not communicate us any word about the room .I given my phone number to her and i just live in the next door. she even not send a message to me For example a man have food in restaurant. the food is bland. and the waiters is beside him . but the man did not say anything to the waiters .he swallow the food and leave. writing bad comments in yelp .after a week he request back his money because the food is bland. and the restaurant should give back the money to him ! and this is make sense in airbnb ! there are guests upset in my room but there also guests enjoy my apartment. I did my best to serve my guests. there is no perfect. I cannot pleased everyone. I am not running hotel.. Where is the fair and the right ? I have been calling many time for a fair but there is no anyone could help me . the agency ask me to accept this refund the korea ladies get almost half of her payment give me bad comment . airbnb did not help me at all and force me this to accept refund. and this is the result no righteous no any to fair no any hope for me and I just need to accept it .. Disappointing......

3 Replies 3
Level 10
Argelès-sur-Mer, France

Hello @Alyssa44 what a story ! 

Out of 10 guests, you will get : 


- 8 good people

- 1 great guest

- 1 unfair guest.


you just got the last one, but don't worry they are all different. 

Level 5
New York, NY


But ABB usually ask the host if she accepts to refund. This is surprising!

Level 10
New York, United States

Is not Airbnb fault let me explan, one how many times have she done this you know what I mean what kind of review she receive, did you explan to Airbnb your case come on now, like you and every host as well as Airbnb you can't pleas every body