South Lake Tahoe - 2018/2019 Rental Season Issues

South Lake Tahoe - 2018/2019 Rental Season Issues

I wanted to ask what others have seen during this rental season.  We have experienced the worst group of renters in all years combined.  Guests that have left our home in shambles, extreme property damage, complete disregard for house rules, exceed approved number of guests, smoking inside, leaving broken wine glasses and trash throw around outside, burning food into pans and shoving in the back of cabinets.  Who are these people that were raised to think that have no moral or social responsibility for the property of others?


Airbnb needs to freeze a guests account, so that they cannot delete within 3-5 days of checkout.  We had one set of guests that rented for 8, had 16,  absolutely trashed our home and deleted their account so that we did not have any recourse.  


Airbnb needs to step up and help the property owners with significant rules around vetting guests and fines for property destruction and misuse.



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