pre-approval - but guest has entered wrong number of guests

pre-approval - but guest has entered wrong number of guests


I want to send a pre-approval for a booking request but the guests has only entered that there will be 1 guest but her text says there will be 3.  I have an additional charge for more than 3 guests so I don't want to lock myself into a lower return.  Is there a way I can pre-approve and update the guest numbers?

13 Replies 13
Level 10
Como, CO

Ask the guest to resubmit the request with the correct information.


I have done that but i also don't want this toeffect my response rate - should I send them a message saying I'm declining so they can resubmit with correct number of guests?  This is very clunky and not very hospitable

Level 2
London, United Kingdom

Hi there I just had the same thing. Although I committed and made and paid the price. If you phone or email Airbnb.. They can tell you where to go.  I can't remember exactly where but I think you. CAn ammeand the mount of people in their request booking.  Just make sure you'd it before accepting. Hope this helps a bit best wishes Anna x

Thanks Anna, I'll try emailing AirBnB

I think if you pre-approve they still need to 'request to book' but then it goes right through without your further input.  So if you message them and instruct them to book the correct number of guests then you can pre-approve?  Or is their inquiry tied to a booking that they can't alter once it is pre-approved?  If they book the wrong number of guests you could message them back and tell them to alter their reservation immediately.


Thanks Kerrin

It would be preferable for all if it could be easily changed as part of the pre-approval process - an improvement suggestion for AirBnB


Level 10
London, United Kingdom

Just email them and ask them to amend to the correct number of guests - its very easy for them to do that.

Thanks Garry and Rashid,

It would be preferable for all if it could be easily changed as part of the pre-approval process - and improvement suggestion for AirBnB


Level 10
Amsterdam, Netherlands


When I click on 'Send special offer' to ammend the inquiry it lets me change the no. of guests, the dates, as well as enter my total price. Additionally you can send an accompanying message explaining how you got to your end price.

Sending a special offer is like pre-approving. Guest only has to accept for the booking to go through.



Hi Andrea,


That's fab information - thanks, I must keep that in mind. Do you just click on the picture of the person you wish to *send special offer* too? Is that how it's done?


Kindest regards,



Loving the Airbnb Community❣

Loving the Airbnb community and it’s diversity❣️
Level 10
Amsterdam, Netherlands


It's in the message thread at the top of the inquiry where you have the options pre-approve or send special offer.

@Andrea9 - Thank you.

Loving the Airbnb community and it’s diversity❣️

I have found that taxes and fees altered in a special offer - such that cleaning fee is lumped into the total offered amount and taxes paid on that.  Here our taxes are already quite high.  So something to look out for.  I agree there needs to be a better way to fix this issue.


Fyi  I’ve had potential guests tell me it’s a default in the app on their end; even when they submit the correct number, if they change any parameters of their search the site defaults to 1 guest.


Can be a bit frustrating and time consuming all around.



FYI this response just defaulted to a shared account which is not how I was logged in and I am unable to remove it and resubmit.  (Still so many little quirks)