New and want advice on getting more bookings

Level 2
Smyrna, GA

New and want advice on getting more bookings

Hello everyone New to hosting there was some technical difficulties to work out but now I think this is the beginning of learning and interesting journey let's see I will be keeping you all updated.☺️ Strangely I've only had two since June 

10 Replies 10
Level 10
Lusby, MD

@Latoya52  I recommend saying something about yourself instead of just, I’ll be your host.”  Make yourself more personable—maybe talk about hobbies and/or things you like to do.


Also, take/upload pictures that are brighter and show the entire room. 

@Latoya52 Laytoya your place looks good but some things in the pics dont. Leave out the potplant and the fake plants in the hall and just do a pic of the door.Take out the pic of the back of the chair . Do another pic of the mantlepiece area and the single bed , put a longer cover on it or tuck it in tight to show the bed. straighten the mat so it is lined up alongside the bed. show off your beds more because they look interesting and if there is a window , show it . Good luck with the listing .H

Level 10
Hay Valley, Australia

hi @Latoya52  I would agree with the others that your photos are not great. 

Rule #1 use horizontals, not verticals.

rule #2 shoot during the day with natural light, esp if using a phone camera


there's lots more to interior photos but those are the first things to address. You even have screenshots of photos with the software editing screen displayed. 


Your place looks well put together and would photograph really well!

Your blurbs need a little attention when it comes to spelling and punctuation. "home of the graves"? haha, oops! You have a stream of words, you need to turn those into sentences, or bullet points. 

It's really great you have a private garage for parking, i'd include a photo of that too. 

I'd suggest while you are learning to not allow anyone to stay longer than 5 days (you currently have it wide open) to avoid scammers and work out any kinks in the hosting process at your property (guests have a marvellous ability to find things that are a "problem" that you never had issue with, bless them). You need to get your first 3 bookings done quickly so you can get some reviews in. 

Level 2
Smyrna, GA

Thanks for the advice! ☺️  Those things I will make adjustments to for improvement's. You all are appreciated 👍

Level 10
Rawai, Thailand

I changed your title, see what you think,


Vacation escapes with AA&J! " Is it a home away from home?"

I think that's a great idea!💡 Thanks 

Level 10
Rawai, Thailand

You'll have a nice time at this cosy townhouse.

It has three levels and three bedrooms, as well as a separate remote control garage.

Everything is close by.

Exclusive restaurants for fine dining, 

Close to Cumberland Mall 11 minutes away,

Lenox Mall 15 minutes away,

Tourist stadium home of the Atlanta Braves is short drive away,

Windy Hill Foxcroft drive in golf, and of course six flags of Atlanta fun parks 24 minutes away,

You have a fantastic stay.

Short sweet and to the point it does sound so much better. ☺️  I appreciate you 🤗 thanks much  

Level 2
Smyrna, GA

Hi everyone I have taken a lot of you all advice and made a few changes and added a few more pictures please tell me what you think 😁🤗

Level 10
London, United Kingdom



I didn't see your listing before you made the changes or added more photos, but I can see you are still using vertical (portrait) images rather than horizontal (landscape). 


The vertical ones are best reserved just for detail shots or shots of small areas. Try taking the rest horizontally so you can get more of the room in and also because they will look better on the listing homepage and in the search results, as Airbnb will crop them to horizontal format.