Airbnb guests and support has been awful lately

Level 2
California, United States

Airbnb guests and support has been awful lately

Hi all. Host of 6+ years. I’ve just been so disheartened lately with the quality of guests and Airbnb support lately and need some insight and support. Anyone else feeling that way?  Here are a couple scenarios that just leave speechless…

1. Guest booked my property for 6ppl. Brings 10 ppl. No notice, no communication. 
Then they complain AC is broken. It was working just the last few days, but they’re saying it’s not. It is late evening and the temp outside is in low 60s. We bring them a fan - they’re couped up inside, cooked up a storm, ALL windows are closed. Thermostat shows high 70s inside. Next morning, we send a tech. Everything checks out. AC works.  No problem. We offer supplemental fans/ac to guests. They decline. Upon checking out, they file a reimbursement request. Airbnb sides with them and takes out 30% of 2 nights.  

How do you deal with this?  

Guest books our property. We send them 2 messages on different days prior to arrival. Zero response.  Guest messages after hours (I was literally sleeping) that she doesn’t have the access code. Yeah, I didn’t think you were coming… airbnb messages and sets a time frame of 30! minutes to respond at 11:20pm. I respond in 44 minutes. Airbnbs response (after midnight): the reservation has been canceled and you’ve been fined. Not for communication w/the guest, but because you haven’t responded in 30 minutes. 

How is that fair and not abusive?  It is late at night, I respond within 44 minutes and that’s the answer I get from the people that should be supportive of us, hosts?


Those are just the last 2. I literally had at least 6 run ins like that in the month of June. Super inconsiderate guests and unhelpful “support”. 


5 Replies 5
Level 10
England, United Kingdom

@Mela0 Even if a guest has not responded to your messages surely you still need to send them the access code.

It's not that simple and yes Airbnb support has really deteriorated to horrible Orwellian levels. 


We have some properties that require an in person greeter check-in. One out of every 500 guests does not respond to our repeated Airbnb messages, text messages or voicemails and just shows up at the property. When they realize that they don't know how to check in, they contact Airbnb support and we get one of these nasty templated messages: "you have 30 minutes to respond or else!" 


The support ambassadors (who are often overseas in some overworked, underpaid call center) don't even bother to read the messages which would clearly show that we have been trying to reach the guest for days. 


Similarly, for properties that have a self check-in entry code, if the guest cannot input the code correctly to enter the property, Airbnb support would still send you the same "respond within 30 minutes" threatening message even though the entry instructions have been provided to the guest.


A reasonable person might expect Airbnb support to consider the timezone that the host lives in or the timezone of the property. That is not the case. We get calls from Airbnb support after midnight, on weekends, or as early as 5am-6am. 


Basically, Airbnb does not give a **care** about its hosts any more. 

Level 10
Placencia, Belize

Hard to tell which of your 23 listing can even accommodate 10 guests, but if it is listed as  6-person max and 10 persons are allowed to stay - its capacity will be exceeded and thus the problems will certainly begin.

Level 1
Berlin, Germany

Yes. Support more favours guests last years ( maybe as they need more guests than hosts now ) + they give absurd time limits which invariably screw the host over.  Basically a way to say we gave you a chance without really giving you a chance. Considering in future invoking local fair arbitration laws to sue or pressure a fair outcome. 

Level 10
Bristol, United Kingdom

That's not been my experience . How do you vet your guests to ensure they're a good fit for your property @Mela0