Bad Reviews

Bad Reviews

I recently stayed at a place that was hosted by a set of property managers. They were great which makes leaving a bad review difficult. Let me give you the gist of it. The place was loud but it was the bottom apartment so understandable. I booked for 3 days planning on staying two weeks as long as everything went ok. On day tbree the fire alarm went off. It was loud enough to bring out the neighbours next door but did not wake the upstairs (permanent) tenant or her friends , we learned later they’re only young teenagers. I got ahold of the manager who came quickly. Turns out the upstairs tenant and her three friends fell asleep while cooking. The alarms didn’t wake them nor did the manager when he entered her apartment, making us wonder. He dealt with everything then left. A few minutes later the homeowner knocked she’s the aunt of the kid upstairs. She apologized which was fine but after she left they started arguing and some choice words about the tenants in the back (us) were said by the teen. This went on awhile. After which I messaged the manager and he offered us to move for the night to another property. We took him up on that but I was there for medical reasons and had to be up at four am. Packing and moving at 9:30pm was terribly inconvenient. I like him and his partners which makes this difficult. He’s already left a review of me which I of course can’t see and I know he can add a private note to other hosts which has me worried. I’ve already written a review just wish there was more space to elaborate. I also feel I should leave it so others will know. Any thoughts on this from anyone? Just to add I’ve gotten great reviews from all other hosts. 

3 Replies 3
Level 10
England, United Kingdom

@Jenn7914 If you want a middle ground then leave an honest textual review with pros and cons but don't ding the host too badly with your star rating. Basically anything below a 5 is damaging so a 4 will hurt a bit but obviously not as badly as a 3 or below which is close to disaster. By doing this future guests can decide if your issues are important to them or not.

Thank you! 

Level 10
Bristol, United Kingdom

I would mark down to four star and as said leave an honest review you can say that although the managers were helpful you had to move apartments because of xx and x. @Jenn7914