Guest Favorite Badge.. needs rethought

Level 2
Miami, FL

Guest Favorite Badge.. needs rethought

While the idea is great, it is just impractically executed. As many other hosts and superhost alike have continually retorted the same sentiments on the allocation of the guest favorite badging, it needs some work aside from its AI 24hr regeneration cycle. There needs to be some human element tied into it to determine which listings qualify for it and not just an algorithmic review of the category rating system. 
Guest favorites badge puts too much at the will of guests reviews opposed to the host(s), listing descriptions & longevity of the property listing itself. The badge can bare consequential viewership reduction to many good listings that qualify based on the “qualifications” and ultimately hinder business and bookings. I have seen many other hosts speak on their properties with extended raving reviews and high ratings yet still have no badge. Going into low season, my listing has 4.96 overall rating over about 50 reviews & had my badge removed because just 1 guest left anything below 5 star in a particular category. While there other listings that have less than 4.9 stars (which is the “criteria”) overall rating and have the badge 0_o. How does a listing with such a high rating get thrown in the waste side of the search engine and not be acknowledged or recognized for its continuing high quality & value.
Airbnb should reconsider the guest favorite badge to honor:

A. The host(s) itself, are they a superhost? Superhost should actually mean something in relation to the listing, and not just access to “priority support” and a $100 yearly travel stipend. 

B. The descriptions of the listing and its alignment with the guest review system. I seen many hosts, including myself, get hit with less than 5 stars reviews in sub categories, particularly on location,  because a guest didn’t read or do their research where they were staying nor asks any questions about it before their stay. Instead of asking guest if it was convenient/desirable at the point of review, ask them if it aligned with their expectation based on the hosts location description. It will give a better correlation to the rating. Host should not be penalized for this nor guests’ incompetence. 

C. A listing that has been on airbnb for a longer period and has been generating great feedback & reviews should get priority in receiving the badge. A listing that’s let’s say 2 months old and has five 5star reviews should not be receiving a badge before a listing with 50-75 reviews and 4.9 overall rating. A “favorite” should be tied more to listings with more longevity & skin in the game. 
Let me know you guys thoughts. Hopefully airbnb can pick up on this & implement some of these improvements. 

2 Replies 2
Level 10
England, United Kingdom

@Bryant61 I think you are missing the point of the Guest Favourite tag. In my opinion it has nothing to do with fairness but everything to do with giving Airbnb the ability to control hosts as it sees fit. When you look at the criteria they can make any listing they want a guest favourite - Don't be fooled by Guest favourites needing to average 4.9 - This is an average of guest favourites not a particular listing which just demonstrates my assertion.

By that logic, what would be the purpose of putting out a false standard for host to thrive for if it’s going to be arbitrary. I think it’s a faulty AI system. I have seen listings with 4.82 overall ratings as a guest favorites for example opposed to one with a 4.95 without it. If a host is continually providing an highly rated excellent product & service, what is there to control? The host is doing their part for the better of airbnb community & guests.