How to resolve a discrepancy in Airbnb listing amenities?


How to resolve a discrepancy in Airbnb listing amenities?


I recently booked a listing on Airbnb and I have discovered a discrepancy in the amenities provided compared to what was advertised on the listing. I'm unsure how to proceed to address this issue.

Specifically, the listing mentioned amenities such as a swimming pool and a gym, but upon arrival, I found that these facilities were not available or accessible. This has impacted my overall experience and I would like to find a resolution.

Could you please guide me on the steps I should take to address this matter? I would greatly appreciate your assistance in resolving this discrepancy and ensuring that the listing accurately reflects the amenities provided.

Thank you for your attention to this matter.

1 Best Answer
Level 10
Bristol, United Kingdom

You should follow the advice on your booking confirmation @Henry675 . Contact the host about the missing amenities. The host should have informed you before your stay. They should offer you a discount for the missing amenities.


If they don't help you contact Airbnb. 

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1 Reply 1
Level 10
Bristol, United Kingdom

You should follow the advice on your booking confirmation @Henry675 . Contact the host about the missing amenities. The host should have informed you before your stay. They should offer you a discount for the missing amenities.


If they don't help you contact Airbnb.