What floor is your apartment

Level 1
Seattle, WA

What floor is your apartment

As a constant traveler with over 80 stays, I beg of all of you to list what floor your place is on.  I spend hours trying to look for clues since 
AirBnB doesn't have it as a filter item!!  If I can't figure it out, I reject it.

6 Replies 6
Level 10
England, United Kingdom

@Margie161 Airbnb does ask what floor apartments are on. Sadly I am wary of this question as I believe we have a 1st floor apartment but I suspect you would think it is on the 2nd floor (judging purely from your location being Seattle WA.

Thanks for responding.  I go to Europe almost every spring and fall so I get the difference and think your first floor would be perfect.  Single women don't want a ground floor and if too high, suitcase schlepping is the pitts.  But I get your point.  Maybe just put the difference in parentheses?  We need to enlighten the world.  Good luck with your listing!

Level 10
Toronto, Canada

Why does it matter what floor it is unless it's in the basement? Which is also usually easy to tell. 


Although I do get this question as an inquiry from time to time, so in the listing(s)' cover photo I always use a picture which clearly shows that it is NOT in the basement. 

Thanks for the question.  Single women don't like ground floors, we don't feel safe.  And as we get older too many floors are a drag.  

 So it is what it is.  When a person rents your place, they will obviously know where it is.  And if it is important to them you guys risk a bad review.  Many people don't care that much. Good luck to you!

Thousands of guests have thousands of preferences. Some don't care about the floor, but some do:

- some prefer ground floor

- some like view from above

- some are afraid of thieves that may step into window/balcony

- some don't like to climb up stairs if there is no elevator

- for some climbing is acceptable up to some level

- some like sunlight until the sunset, and don't like to be shaded too early

- some like / don't like number X and want exclusively / to avoid this particular floor

- ... and numerous other preferences for whatever reason!


As you can never imagine what ideas they may have, it doesn't cost anything to give this detail in the description. If it is not of particular importance, they will ignore it, but in the case it is - they will be grateful!
