guest cancellation and host review

Level 1
Apple Valley, CA

guest cancellation and host review

Recently I've had two separate guests shorten their stays for good reason. The first booked for 3 months but had to leave after 1.5 months time due to her employment. She was able to leave me a 5 star review and as well, I gave her a 5 star review. My second guest booked for 1 month but had to leave after 14 days. He was not able to leave a review for me and was told that because he did not complete his reservation and cancelled, he does not have the option to leave a review. He was very upset about it. I was able to leave a review for him. I really needed that review because I'm a new host. Why do you think my first guest was able to review but my second guest was not able to? 

1 Best Answer
Level 10
Victoria, Australia

@Tina-Marie4 He is and was able to leave a review ,any one who commences a stay is able to.He may have let the fourteen days run out,or not been able to complete the review until the stay had finished ,which may also have made it longer that 14 days. There are a couple of other reasons but I suspect the cancellation may not have gone through correctly or your guest simply did not see the request to leave a review. did you push the 'please leave a review'notifications ,in order to send a request for a review to him. Did he not receive them ?.Its a human error because you have left him a review , it should be automatic. Its more likely appeared in his emails but not on his phone because he has not updated his phone. I do not think there is any reason really for this to happen.... H

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4 Replies 4
Level 10
Victoria, Australia

@Tina-Marie4 He is and was able to leave a review ,any one who commences a stay is able to.He may have let the fourteen days run out,or not been able to complete the review until the stay had finished ,which may also have made it longer that 14 days. There are a couple of other reasons but I suspect the cancellation may not have gone through correctly or your guest simply did not see the request to leave a review. did you push the 'please leave a review'notifications ,in order to send a request for a review to him. Did he not receive them ?.Its a human error because you have left him a review , it should be automatic. Its more likely appeared in his emails but not on his phone because he has not updated his phone. I do not think there is any reason really for this to happen.... H

Hi @Helen744 


How do you push a please leave a review notification? 

@Nur785 It should come up on the desk top as a reminder. Almost as soon as the guest has checked out a message arrives to say remember to leave a review and after that I think one will also turn up to send a reminder to the guest. If you have not left your review then it will arrive again . have you not seen then Nur?  H

Thank you @Helen744, I have seen those. I just thought there was a way the host could send a push notification to the guest to leave a review other than the automated ones that arrive. 

