Over 5,000 of you made your way to the Grande Halle in Parc de la Villette, Paris for the largest gathering in Airbnb history. With hosts travelling from all over the world to meet together all under one roof!
I know many of you have been eagerly awaiting the news regarding the winners of the 2015 Host Awards, the location of Airbnb Open 2016 and of course some recap material from the event itself. I am very pleased to say the wait is now over...
The Host Awards finalist films were shown throughout the event and a huge congratulations goes out to all of them, in particular this year's winners, read more about this here, 2015 Host Awards. It is fantastic to see all their amazing achievements, maybe it will be you next year!
Fancy a recap? Read the full Day 1 recap here. You might also be interested to read more about the exciting new features and revisit your favourite keynote talks from the 2015 Open. Thank you to those of you who shared you own recaps with the rest of the Community. If you haven't seen any of the threads, I really recommend you do (explore the Airbnb Open board to view these). Plus, don't forget to fill out the Airbnb Open 2015 survey, so next year's Open can be even better. 🙂
The courses were in high demand at this year's Open. As a result we thought we would organise two webinars on two of the most popular. [Updated] Both of these webinars have now taken place, if you would like to listen to them click on the individual links below.
In Paris, Jonathan Mildenhall, our Chief Marketing Officer, showed you how we've made hosts our heros. So many of you have wonderful stories, stories that make you smile, laugh or even cry. If you are a host and attended Airbnb Open 2015, why not submit your story to the Airbnb Open 2015 Stories Contest, (psst. the prizes are pretty good too - with the chance to win from a pool totalling $25,000 for the three best entries), deadline has been extended until January 15th, 2016, learn more.
And finally, many of you have been asking about plans for next year. It was great to see the thead with you location guesses, I particularly liked the cruise ship idea! (drum roll please)...Los Angeles! More details coming soon.
Thank you for the last 7 years, find out more in my Personal Update.
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