[April 29th] The Host Talk - Sustainability

Former Community Manager
Former Community Manager
London, United Kingdom

[April 29th] The Host Talk - Sustainability

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Hey everyone,


After the CC social’s success, a few members have shared their desire to have a new type of online get-together where we could have more Hosting focused conversations.


With that in mind, we have decided to give your idea a go! 😊


Apart from the Social meet-up, we now have The Host Talk, a Community Center meeting for sharing and discussing pre-chosen Hosting related topics. 


We plan on giving you guys the chance to vote on your preferred subjects in the future, but to kick things off, this first session will have the theme of Sustainability.🐛


@Anna1403 , our sustainability focused HAB member, will be joining the conversation with fellow hosts who are interested in sharing their experience and coming up with insights for a more sustainable way of Hosting.


The meet-up will take place on Thursday April 29th, 3:30PM (BST).



Thursday April 29th, 9:30AM (Kansas City / Pensacola, Florida)

Thursday April 29th, 10:30AM (New York / Toronto)

Thursday April 29th, 4:30PM  (Spain)

Thursday April 29th, 11:30PM (Seoul)

Friday April 30th, 00:00 AM (Darwin)

Friday April 30th, 00:30 AM (Melbourne) 


If you would like to join, please register before the start time by clicking here.


Not sure how to use Zoom? Check out this CC guide


Have you got any sustainability related questions you would like to to ask fellow hosts? Is there any specific discussion you’d like to have around this theme? 🌿


Let us know below so we can pick a few  suggestions to get our conversation started.


I’m really looking forward to chatting with you 💚


Thanks a lot and I’ll see you there!



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109 Replies 109


Thank you - I'm definitely looking forward to that!

Former Community Manager
Former Community Manager
London, United Kingdom

 @Pascale144 @Omar202  @Mary996 @Christine615 @Alexandra316 @Jessica-and-Henry0 @Paul1255 @Kitty-and-Creek0 @John5097 @Kemi9 @Lawrene0 @Anna1403 @Laurelle3 @Veronica-Of-Excel-Proper0 @Stephanie @Nick @Quincy 

Hey everyone,


As promised, I have put together a brief summary of a few key points that we discussed during our Host Talk. Please feel free to let me know if you feel anything is missing from it 😊


📣 The Host Talk - Sustainability - Key takeaways


  1. Members would like to learn more about Airbnb’s take on sustainability, what their goals are and what led the company to start conversations around the topic.

  2. Hosts would also like to be supported by Airbnb in regards to their achievements towards a more sustainable way of hosting. Perhaps by fundings and grants for updating their green amenities.

  3. Every listing is different, so different Hosts will be able to take different actions for going green, and that should be taken into consideration.

  4. Being more sustainable requires joint efforts between Hosts, guests and Airbnb.

  5. Participants believe Airbnb should play a bigger role in educating hosts and guests about sustainability and responsible travelling.


Participants suggested several platform updates they believe would be helpful towards achieving those goals:


  • Being able to list different sustainability amenities (eg chargers for electric vehicles) under a highlighted “going green” section on their listings;

  • A badge for sustainable properties (similar to the SuperHost badge);

  • Search functions for guests related to sustainability e.g. solar powered houses;

  • Being provided with Airbnb branded labels and signs to serve as reminders for guests to be mindful of their actions, for example in regards to energy saving;

  • Having a SuperGuest badge in order to encourage travellers to be more considerate and sustainable;

  • Adding sustainability related reminders to guests’ check-in user flow.



Liv 🌿


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Great work - thanks so much!

Level 2
Brisbane, Australia

@Liv Hi Liv, so sorry to of missed this meeting (I just heard about it), congratulations on hosting it and thanks for the summary. I do believe that Air BnB and its hosts have the ability to make a huge contribution to sustainability worldwide, both in lowering emissions and consumption and also education. I'm a big supporter of all the suggestions you have mentioned here. At the very minimum, changes should enable the platform to have the ability for guests to search for accommodation that has at least some sustainable characteristics. This is essential to drive the implementation of sustainable practices and infrastructure. Hosts who already have such facilities should be matched up with guests who want to lower their impact.  Consumers are becoming more aware of company's corporate governance policies with regard to social justice and the environment, with this in mind it is a little surprising that Air BnB is so slow in implementing these changes. Can you please tell me what Air BnB's policies on the environment are?

Former Community Manager
Former Community Manager
London, United Kingdom

 @Pascale144 @Omar202  @Mary996 @Christine615 @Alexandra316 @Jessica-and-Henry0 @Paul1255 @Kitty-and-Creek0 @John5097 @Kemi9 @Lawrene0 @Anna1403 @Laurelle3 @Veronica-Of-Excel-Proper0 @Dale711 @Wende2 @Debra300 @Sarah977 @Angela1056 @Samantha-and-Bruce0 @Michelle2475 @Mike-And-Jane0 @Valerie27 


Hey everyone,


I hope you're ready to start thinking about another Host Talk 🕺


To help our next meet-up be even better, it'd be great if you could give some feedback here.


By filling out this quick survey, you'll also be able to vote on the next theme. 😊


Thanks a lot for taking the time to do this!

I'll be revealing the most voted theme soon, so keep your eyes peeled. 👀




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