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Smartlock integration
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Hi everyone,
We have a new game, something fun to do over the weekend. From culture to food, to general information associated with the area, the emojis below illustrate 34 different countries.
Can you guess which ones they are?
As always, for more people to be able to take part, please post one reply at a time.
I hope you’ll have fun with it and I’ll be here to help you if you need it 🙂
1. France
2. Holland
3. Canada
4. Italy
5. Mexico
6. New Zealand
7. India
8. USA
9. China
10. Germany
11. Brazil
12. England
13. Ireland
14. Switzerland
15. Australia
16. Thailand
17. Turkey
18. Russia
19. Saudi Arabia
20. Greece
21. South Africa
22. Morocco
23. Israel
24. Ecuador
25. Belgium
26. Finland
27. Spain
28. Scotland
29. Japan
30. Chile
31. Portugal
32. Denmark
34. Romania
33 is the only one missing from the list! 🙂
Nick, I would like to see someone have a go at 33 but, if there are no takers and you get to a point where you want to wind the game up....... let me have last option at it before you do, ok!
well no one else offered @Robin4 since you sent that reply so the floor is all yours 🙂
OK, do feel like I have hogged the thread though Nick!
But adversity has given me a great life Nick, almost all those places Ade and I have been to....and I never would have got the opportunity to do that if Ade had not got a terminal illness.
Now if you asked me 30 years ago...."Would you willingly travel all over the world knowing that, to do that, one of you would have to die to do it?".....I think both of us would have said yes!
It's not the amount of time we have at our disposal that is important's what we do with it.
What is my favourite photo from all of my travels? It should be one with Ade, but it isn't! She was with me in spirit just a few hundred metres away in the comfort of a cabin
That was a fairly priceless moment not many of us get to experience!
Since July 1994 Ade has been injecting herself with Betaferon every second day, she has no idea if it has done any good or not. She does say though.....if she didn't do it, she couldn't say she had given this disease her best shot!
We, Nick, have given life our best shot!
Is #33 Sri-Lanka?
that's not it @Robin4 but I really enjoy all the stories from your trips (also this photo is so unique, it makes no wonder why it is the most favourite one)
Ah, you have got me in the pure guessing game now Nick.
I took the 'cup' emoji as being a cup of tea.....obviously it is a cup of coffee. So, the palm tree, cocktail glass has to be somewhere tropical, that specializes in cocktails and produces coffee, sort of sounds Caribbean to me!
Could #33 be Jamaica?
That Jamaican 'Mountain Blend' coffee is famous all over the world!
nope I'm afraid that's not correct @Robin4
Think... cocktails with a certain drink I shouldn't name
think... Miami (close enough)
pretty sure this help will solve the mystery 🙂
@Robin4 is probably sleeping now (approx. 5am local time), so I secretly will guess for him nr. 33: Cuba ?
Emiel mate, you are a star, good on was always going to be a challenge once we got down to that last 4 or 5.
Take care over there in Leeuwarden, hope COVID-19 is not affecting you too much and have a great festive season.
Cheers from the land down under........Rob
Full list of countries:
1. France
2. Holland
3. Canada
4. Italy
5. Mexico
6. New Zealand
7. India
8. USA
9. China
10. Germany
11. Brazil
12. England
13. Ireland
14. Switzerland
15. Australia
16. Thailand
17. Turkey
18. Russia
19. Saudi Arabia
20. Greece
21. South Africa
22. Morocco
23. Israel
24. Ecuador
25. Belgium
26. Finland
27. Spain
28. Scotland
29. Japan
30. Chile
31. Portugal
32. Denmark
33. Cuba
34. Romania
This game has now concluded. Thank you for taking part @Emiel1 @Robin4 @Dale711 @Anna9170 @J-Renato0 @Helen427 @Ann72 @Jessica-and-Henry0 @Kelly897 @Sandra126 @Dale711and everyone else I hope you enjoyed it 🙂