I've been wanting to publish a new advert and with that to verify my identity. But somethings gone wrong; I still cannot publish my new advert because somethings gone wrong with the verification of my identiy but there's no mention of what that then seems to be! I has been more then 10 days and I still cannot publish my new advert!
I've already contacted support (twice!) via my app but no response until now.
This is the Dutch community, so messages are normally in Dutch (there is an English community also).
Dit is ook niet Airbnb zelf,maar een community van Airbnb gebruikers.
Airbnb reageert niet snel op support-berichten momenteeel. Maar via Twitter (account: AirbnbHelp) gaat sneller en de kwaliteit van de antwoorden is ook beter, is mijn ervaring.
Ok dank je wel. Ik dacht dat dit de Engelse versie was (geen idee waarom achteraf). In ieder geval bedankt voor je reactie. Ik zal Twitter eens proberen