Hello everyone,
I hope you are having a good day.
I want...
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Hello everyone,
I hope you are having a good day.
I wanted to let you know that we have updated the booking process to ma...
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Hello everyone,
You guessed it, we’ve made it to 1,000,000 posts here in the Community Center (did any of you spot it?). What an amazing achievement and it just shows how much we all enjoy a good chat!
Thinking on this it takes me back to when the Community Center was first launched at the Airbnb Open in Paris, November 2015. 1,000,000 posts later, and we can look back on the many amazing conversations and friendships we have created over the past 3 and a half years.
What has been your favourite discussion here? For me, I really enjoy the community spotlights and personal stories shared, and also, as many of you know I am a fan of sustainability so I love all the green tips. There has been many fun moments together.
A huge thank you to all of you.
Lizzie, Quincy & Stephanie
Thank you for the last 7 years, find out more in my Personal Update.
Looking to contact our Support Team, for details...take a look at the Community Help Guides.
My favourite post is the so called „chicken wing case“ by Mo56 in Vanderbilt. Guest spent a night in jail after having too many beers along with his chicken menue. Read paragraph No. 2.
It certainly is funny what we remember isn't it, @Ute42! hehe - It sure does make you think, who knows where your night will end up, when you head out for chicken wings...
Thank you for the last 7 years, find out more in my Personal Update.
Looking to contact our Support Team, for details...take a look at the Community Help Guides.
I'm leaning towards the current hosts whose guests wanted to know the make and model of the appliances before they booked. And the second host who got the same request. 🙂
One million posts - amazing!
However 387,845.7 of the posts were regarding the topic ''how much having 'Location' as a review category is a bad idea.)
Hi @Elena87
I have a bookmark section called "airbnb comedy".
I've just added Your post right there.
Just curious, how many in this 1,000,000 are from hosts who strongly oppose the recent unsafe "no quest photo" policy? I have written and read many 1,000s of posts from unhappy, angry hosts- yet we go unheard...
Congrats to you and to all Community Managers, @Quincy an @Stephanie ! It is amazing!
Now I cant help asking - I would like to know who was the one who posted the post number 1.000.000 ! 🙂
There should be a prize for the millionth post, in a Willy Wonka Golden Ticket way.
Either an invitation to join the 'super strict 60 days' cancellation club or perhaps a years subscription for the airbnb magazine.
I completely agree... The poster who did the milionth post should be given a great prize!
30 days free stay on the listing that the poster would book ! Any listing, any price!
First class air ticket should be included as well!
@Lizzie , what about passing this suggestion along to be the prize to the one who post the post number 2.000.000? 🙂
Another interesting thing!
I have also noticed that, the largest "shareholders" of this community are @Sarah977 with 0,73% of the posts, @ Branka & Silvia 0,5% and @ Robin4 with 0,56%.
aahh @J-Renato0 I should get a life.... maybe in a relationship with a local exterminator as suggested in another post 😄
@Ute42 I created just a few posts, but commented on many
You are confusing something. If You open a new topic this is called a thread. If You write an answer to an existing thread this is called an answer. But they are both counted as posts.