Please Please Stop New Review PUSH NOTIFICATIONS !!!!!!

Please Please Stop New Review PUSH NOTIFICATIONS !!!!!!

I have called twice on this issue and nothing seems to be getting done. The new Push Notifications alerting hosts to leave a review are beyong upsetting. They should absolutely be an optional notification and not bundled with the IMPORTANT notifications that hosts receive like inquiries and messages. They come at all times of the day and night and I can't turn them off because I have to be an available host 24/7. How would you feel interuppting your family dinner or rolling over late at night, because you think there might be an emergency all to find that "it's time to leave so and so a review!?!?!?!? I am not the only one upset by this...


There are multiple threads on the forums about this.


See links below..






And Here


And here!

Level 10

Ha-- there doesn't seem to be a anything consistant about this-- I too have received requests for review at odd hours in the middle of the night. As we live in a global society and we host people from all over the world, it is not unusual for me to receive West Coast requests or notifications for bookings at 3 AM EST from people in California searching for a listing at midnight theirs, or  from people enjoying their morning coffee Paris time.  I always try to respond even when it wakes me from a dead sleep-- It would be nice to just say "turn the ringer off of your phone" but then you wouldnt be able to respond to the more important business either?

Most phones have a Do Not Disturb function, which means it goes silent between hours you choose, except for any numbers you tick as favourites (eg family contacts). In addition iPhones have other features that means anyone trying your number repeatedly (say 5 times within 5 minutes) will get through as it could be someone else calling re an emergency.

Level 10

@Gerry-And-Rashid0 @Nancy67


The issue is not notifications as a whole. They are part of my job as a host.. The issue that I and others take is with the new review reminders that have been bundled in with the other important notifications like inquiries or messages. 

Level 10

I agree, we don't need reminders to review a guest on our phone, email is enough. It's always at the back of our minds until we've done it.

Phone texts should be just for new bookings/inquiries/guest messages.

Or why not give us a list to choose from?

Former Community Manager
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Former Community Manager
Status changed to: Archived