We would appreciate a feature that would require the person booking a reservaiton for more than one person to provide the names of the additional guests and a "link" to their Airbnb profiles. This is a security issue for hosts, who should know who they are welcoming into their home. It also makes it easier for us to communicate with and welcome guests if we know all of their names.
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Submitted on
05:48 PM
Submitted by
05:48 PM
There needs to be a way that searchers can also find our listing by our name. If a past guest or friend has recommended that a traveler check us out, potential guests have no way to do so other than to scroll through 100's of listings until they can find ours. Some of the filters help, but there is no specific way to find us by host name. Now that we are Superhosts, it narrows the searching a bit, but it would help if our listing would come up with by our name also. How difficult is that really? A simple search bar at the top of the listings page would be so simple. You have location and other filters. OR. Why not put in the current filters: "do you know a certain host? Please type their name here". It would help for repeat guests to find us easily and make it easier for them to refer us to other travelers. Scrolling wastes time and is frustrating when trying to plan travel. Why not make it easier on guests to find us. I bet it would get us all more bookings! It seems like this would be easy to implement.
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Under Consideration
Submitted on
12:16 AM
Submitted by
12:16 AM
Dear Fellow Hosts, Happy New Years All! I’m requesting your help as I believe our group voice and oppinions as hosts matter. I’ve communicated with Airbnb this evening and received confirmation that if more than one guest makes a reservation request, guests now have the choice to select “Group Payment” all while blocking the host calendar by selecting this new feature and have not the standard 24 hours hosts and guests nit selecting this option must adhere to but have up to 72 hours to make payment PLUS AN ADDITIONAL 24 hours given to the guest submitting the reservation request to make up for any difference in payment. This essentially means a group of any above 1 person can block a host calendar for 96 hours/ 4 DAYS and then not even book at all, all the while blocking those dates on a hosts calendar for other guests willing and able to pay in a timely fashion of 24 hours. The host presently has no options or recourse on this and wont even know when approving a request if the guest will elect group payment option. Please vote thumbs up to this post if you are in favor of removing the group option payment feature AND/OR reducing to the same 24 hours hosts and anyone else has AND/OR or in the least giving the host the option to remove this feature from their profile to book. We have a voice on this important subject if used together. Thank you in advance for your time and consideration! Best, Reina B
Response from Airbnb
Thanks for your feedback on Group Payments. This is a new feature and we know it needs some refining, so we really value your input. We hear your concerns about having your calendars locked while guests complete their payments. We are actively reviewing ways to address this for hosts and are still collecting feedback before we make our next change. We appreciate your patience as we continue working toward a Group Payments feature that works great for hosts and guests.
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I just read an informative profile of the Airbnb honchos, saying edsentially that they plan to force us all to accept Instant Book. They have so lost touch with who we are, what we do, and that they owe their billions to us "little people" toiling away. This is MY HOME. Over the 4 years I have hosted, I have seen and learned a lot. I have had some seriously unpleasant weirdos turn up as guests. I have learned how to filter out people who are inappropriate for my household. I cannot and will not be forced to accept just anyone with no discretion. I would never discriminate based on race, sexual orientation, etc. but GET A GRIP, Airbnb 1% ers! WE are your lifeblood! Don't f*** this up for everybody, including yourselves!
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I'm really disappointed that the "Basic Requirements" update to the Dashboard essentially attempts to bully hosts into accepting an arbitrary percentage of their requests. I can appreciate that Airbnb wants to cut down on preventable disappointments and practices that appear to be discrimination. I know how frustrating it is to be a guest (especially as a visible minority) and receive multiple declines with no good explanation. But setting a minimum percentage of accepted reservations is an absolutely wrongheaded way to go about solving this. No matter how much people might prefer Instant Book, experienced hosts know that Airbnb's porous verification system and unreliable Host Guarantee are no substitute for our judgment when the nature of a request is inappropriate to what we're offering. In no way do I condone discrimination against guests based on anything such as age, race, gender identity, etc, and I respect the importance of keeping an updated calendar, but there are many legitimate reasons that a decline can be the best decision. Hosts with certain kinds of listings, or in certain locations, are going to get inappropriate requests more than others, too, so those averages are completely irrelevant. Some examples from my own experience: - the guest has clearly not read the listing and believes it is a different kind of property (e.g. Entire Home instead of private room) - the guest requires different dates or has a larger party size than has been manually entered - the guest insists upon special accommodations beyond what is advertised - the guest has been negatively reviewed by previous hosts - the guest does not answer follow-up question within the 24 hour accept/decline window - the request is for something other than accommodation, such as a partyor film shoot - the host has a prior unpleasant experience with a member of the guest party - the guest asks for exceptions to the House Rules, and therefore... - the communication leaves the host feeling unsafe with the guest in their home In all of these situations, the host's only reasonable option is to Decline. I don't mind being asked to justify the choice so that nobody feels treated unfairly. But I've been hosting and since many of Airbnb's tech crew were still in high school, and I do not appreciate seeing a warning message on my screen because the algorithm decided I need to accept a higher percentage of requests. Airbnb, please accept that humans often need to excercise judgment that computers can't.
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As a Superhost for a LONG time, I was surprised to see that I needed to "work on" Basic Requirements/Accepted Reservations. It seems that legitimate reasons for declining a reservation are not taken into account. Some I have encountered with guest reservations were: - not having a profile, no recommendations or reviews and not responding to questions -asking to accommodate more people then listed and not pay the additional charge -wanting to bring a pet even though the listing specifically states "no pets" -wanting to bring young children when, for safety reasons, the listing specifically states "no children" As more and more "first time" guests use Airbnb incorrectly.....some deliberately....hosts should not be penalized for declining a reservation.
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In Development
Submitted on
06:44 PM
Submitted by
06:44 PM
Allow us to add a pet fee! It's more cleaning time when a pet stays and more risk also!
Response from Airbnb
This is a great suggestion and matches our thinking on ways to give hosts more flexibility in offering services. We are actively working on a solution to enable hosts to include individual charges for special services, such as extra cleaning for guests with pets or other features of a listing that may require more effort from the host. We will have more to share on this in the first part of 2018.
In the meantime, you do have the ability to request additional funds from your guests after their reservation is confirmed. From the reservation page, click “Send or Request Money” and indicate the amount of your pet fee. This will send the request directly to your guest so that payment can be processed through Airbnb. Be sure to include a mention of your pet fee in your listing description, as well as a follow-up message directly to the guest, so they know why you are sending the money request.
We rely on your input for improving Airbnb and take these suggestions in Host Voice very seriously, so please keep the great ideas coming.
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Airbnb should rethink their new policy on babies. I would suggest that Airbnb ask the parents of these babies if they are, in fact, people. My guess is that most of them 😉 would say that yes, they really are people too. If the parents consider them people, then I think the company should believe them. Also, they might want to ask the parents if these tiny little adorable people are also "work". Again, my bet is that most parents would agree that there is additional work involved where babies are concerned. This is not limited to the parents when they are guests at someone else's home. There is additional water (babies take baths! and use sheets!), and loads of laundry involved. Additional space is needed - babies require beds. Most people don't have cribs at the ready for any incoming babies, and would need to prepare (and might not even have the space. They frequently throw up, or the diapers often don't do their job of containment 100%, causing additional attrition of sheets, slipcovers, etc. There is also additional liability involved where there are decks, pools, hot tubs.. I speak as both a parent, and someone who genuinely likes being around babies, and thinks they are charming. However, I understand that not everyone thinks so. People should have the right to not have children in their homes if they don't want to. If people don't want to take on the risk, prep work and clean up, that should be entirely up to them. Some people are renting out small bedrooms for two people in small apartments. If I were living in one room in a small apartment, renting out the other, I would not appreciate a couple bringing up to five infants into that space. I also believe it would be very unsafe for the babies, and a huge liability for the host. Last comment - Five babies is not five times the work and mess. The differential is not linear. it is exponential.
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I would love to see the Keyword Search feature brought back. I've spoken with many other hosts who would like to see this turned back on as well. This was a great way for guests and hosts to find a good match and there are too many special interests to provide check-boxes for. Some guests, for example, prefer to stay in a kosher or vegan household. Others might want to stay with SCUBA divers or surfers. Keyword search was a great way to make these connections happen. It was good for guests and for hosts! Many of us saw a large drop in page views when this feature was turned off, and the views have never returned to their prior levels. It seems that there are a lot of missed connections, with guest who are having trouble finding just what they're looking for.
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20 likes of a topic gets Lizzie to actually read it. We all want our home descriptions back. We have lost all personality with this change. SO folks, please like this and pass it around. The subject is on a couple of boards, but not enough individual likes to work.
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