[GAME] One sentence story
05:17 PM

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05:17 PM
[GAME] One sentence story
Hi everyone,
We thought it was high time for another game now that the festival is behind us again, and this time I want to try something new. As a kid I was always very fond of story time and I had (still have) a wild imagination, and I’d love to bring that to the table here. So we’re going to do:
One sentence story!
Here’s how it works: I’ll start with the beginning of a story that you will build upon. You continue the story, adding one sentence each time. At the end I’ll collect everything and post the entire story.
As this is the first time we’re doing this I imagine it’ll be quite an experiment to do it structurally, so I’d like to suggest that whenever we add to a/the story we copy over the entire story and add our piece below in bold font.
The beginning of the story is:
“There once was a guest, all dressed and impressed by the place they would visit this evening. They jumped on a plane, quite insane, as their small baby boy was weaning.”
I can’t wait to read what you come up with!
P.S. It doesn’t need to rhyme, I just felt like it!
05:17 PM
12 Replies 12
03:40 PM

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03:40 PM
There once was a guest, all dressed and impressed by the place they would visit this evening. They jumped on a plane, quite insane, as their small baby boy was weaning. The plane ride was bumpy, the baby was grumpy and two hours seemed like a year, but they landed in Greece, where they were joined by their niece and the sky was deep blue and clear.
03:40 PM
06:47 PM

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06:47 PM
@Sybe although they had booked a house with a cook ,the address was not clearly showing,so away they went in the car they had rent , not really knowing ,if the house the app was showing , was anywhere near where they were going.
06:47 PM
08:38 PM

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08:38 PM
There once was a guest, all dressed and impressed by the place they would visit this evening. They jumped on a plane, quite insane, as their small baby boy was weaning. The plane ride was bumpy, the baby was grumpy and two hours seemed like a year, but they landed in Greece, where they were joined by their niece and the sky was deep blue and clear.
Although they had booked a house with a cook ,the address was not clearly showing,so away they went in the car they had rent , not really knowing ,if the house the app was showing , was anywhere near where they were going.
Luckily, the host was responsive, and they realised that the instructions all there and clear; so they arrived at the listing, all shiny and glistening, with no reason to shed a tear.
08:38 PM
09:06 PM

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09:06 PM
Seems to me a Happy End !
09:06 PM
12:44 PM

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12:44 PM
There once was a guest, all dressed and impressed by the place they would visit this evening. They jumped on a plane, quite insane, as their small baby boy was weaning. The plane ride was bumpy, the baby was grumpy and two hours seemed like a year, but they landed in Greece, where they were joined by their niece and the sky was deep blue and clear.
Although they had booked a house with a cook ,the address was not clearly showing,so away they went in the car they had rent , not really knowing ,if the house the app was showing , was anywhere near where they were going.
Luckily, the host was responsive, and they realised that the instructions all there and clear; so they arrived at the listing, all shiny and glistening, with no reason to shed a tear.
Alas the Host became overcome with fear when he saw the small baby boy head for the chair, knowing their was Goldilocks the treasured real live Big Brown Bear waiting for his porridge.
12:44 PM
10:16 AM

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10:16 AM
@Helen427 but the host was only slightly eccentric and had not really meant it , but had arranged a little chair for a little boy ,filled with toys and a blanket.
10:16 AM
12:05 PM

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12:05 PM
I love how this took a fairytale turn, and it's so poetic! I wonder what Goldilocks will do with our guests. 🤔
12:05 PM
11:00 PM

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11:00 PM
There once was a guest, all dressed and impressed by the place they would visit this evening. They jumped on a plane, quite insane, as their small baby boy was weaning. The plane ride was bumpy, the baby was grumpy and two hours seemed like a year, but they landed in Greece, where they were joined by their niece and the sky was deep blue and clear.
Although they had booked a house with a cook ,the address was not clearly showing,so away they went in the car they had rent , not really knowing ,if the house the app was showing , was anywhere near where they were going.
Luckily, the host was responsive, and they realised that the instructions all there and clear; so they arrived at the listing, all shiny and glistening, with no reason to shed a tear.
Alas the Host became overcome with fear when he saw the small baby boy head for the chair, knowing their was Goldilocks the treasured real live Big Brown Bear waiting for his porridge.
"Who goes there?" boomed the bear, whose eyesight was unclear, as the baby crawled by in his nappy. "It's just a ghost," replied the host, who was trying her utmost to keep bear, baby and guests happy.
11:00 PM
10:22 PM

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10:22 PM
The host continued saying "the Little Fella is turning into Cinderella "
10:22 PM
10:24 PM

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10:24 PM
@Sybe we were reading this out aloud in bed and my husband came up with this line to fit in with the rhythm.
10:24 PM
09:41 AM

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09:41 AM
@Laurelle3 I love it! We'll continue there. 😃
There once was a guest, all dressed and impressed by the place they would visit this evening. They jumped on a plane, quite insane, as their small baby boy was weaning. The plane ride was bumpy, the baby was grumpy and two hours seemed like a year, but they landed in Greece, where they were joined by their niece and the sky was deep blue and clear.
Although they had booked a house with a cook ,the address was not clearly showing,so away they went in the car they had rent , not really knowing ,if the house the app was showing , was anywhere near where they were going.
Luckily, the host was responsive, and they realised that the instructions all there and clear; so they arrived at the listing, all shiny and glistening, with no reason to shed a tear.
Alas the Host became overcome with fear when he saw the small baby boy head for the chair, knowing their was Goldilocks the treasured real live Big Brown Bear waiting for his porridge.
"Who goes there?" boomed the bear, whose eyesight was unclear, as the baby crawled by in his nappy. "It's just a ghost," replied the host, who was trying her utmost to keep bear, baby and guests happy.
The host continued saying "the Little Fella is turning into Cinderella" as the baby boy was playing. Sparkles flying around him, as well as the bear who wouldn't be left without anything to wear, as the world looked a little less grim.
The Host and the ghost, but the guests maybe most, were stunned at what they would see. What a turn of events, from boys to gents, at this magical Airbnb!
09:41 AM
12:47 AM

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12:47 AM
Super cool. Loved this!
12:47 AM