Looking for co/host in Eindhoven

Level 2
Eindhoven, Netherlands

Looking for co/host in Eindhoven

Hi to all Airbnb hosts in Eindhoven, 


I am looking for a co/host to help me with my listings in the center of Eindhoven. Are you also enjoying our Airbnb community and have time left participate more?


Do you want to help me with check ins and preparing for new guests arriving? I hope we can work out something that works for the both of us. I’m looking forward meeting the right person and get going:-) 


Thank you and all the best,


Beste Antwoord
Community Manager
Community Manager
London, United Kingdom

Hi/Hallo @Floris4, I would recommend taking a look on our "Get Local" page as you might have a better chance to find local Co-Hosts. 



Please follow the Community Guidelines // Volg de communityrichtlijnen

Beste antwoord in origineel bericht bekijken

3 Antwoorden 3
Community Manager
Community Manager
London, United Kingdom

Hi/Hallo @Floris4, I would recommend taking a look on our "Get Local" page as you might have a better chance to find local Co-Hosts. 



Please follow the Community Guidelines // Volg de communityrichtlijnen

Level 2
Eindhoven, Netherlands

Thanks 🙏🏻 I will.

Hi Floris,


Are you still looking for a co-host in Eindhoven?


I am actually available as a co-host !




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