Adding a Security Deposit: a Community Help Guide

Top Contributor
Edmonton, Canada

Adding a Security Deposit: a Community Help Guide

-----------------Update June 5th 2017--------------------

An updated version of this Community Guide is now available, click here to view.




I firmly believe that ALL hosts should have a security deposit for their listing.  There are many times where a host posts on the Community Center that a guest caused damage, broke something in their listing, or any other reason a host may need to make a claim.  In order to make a claim on damage or other issues, you need to have a security deposit in place in which the guest agrees to pay for damages at the time of booking.  If you need to make a claim on the security deposit, you need to do this within 48 hours after the guest checks out.


Setting a Security Deposit


Step 1: Click on "Host" and then "Manage Listing".  You will then want to choose "Manage Listing and Calendar" to edit your listing.


manage listing 2.png


Step 2: On the left hand menu, choose "Pricing" and then scroll down to the "Additional Pricing Options" section.  Check the "Security Deposit" box and then enter the amount for your security deposit.


security deposit.png



Superhost Ambassador ~ Host Club Community Leader ~ Experienced Co-Host

23 Replies 23
Level 1
Bethany Beach, DE

I did all this but it didn't show up on the booking page.    So now I don't know how to get the security deposit from the guest.  My security deposit was listed before I approved his booking.  My cleaning fee did show up.  Help.

@Marcia22 You would need to file a claim through the Resolution Center.  See the article in the Community Help Guide on how to proceed. 

Thanks Clare.


Help!  I've read everything possible on adding a security deposit to the listing, but NOT on how to collect it from the guest!  How to add it to their charge?  Thanks.

That was exactly my question, so no need to repeat it now, I'll just wait for the response here, thanks.

I had the same guest booked but only my cleaning fee showed up and guest was not charged security deposit fee?

So now what?

@James75 Guests are never charged  the security deposit when they make a reservation.  Since it's not charged it's not refunded either. It's an amount you set in your listing in the event the guest damages something during their stay.  Read more about Security Deposits here:

Thanks you so much for explaining how this works as I am new to AirBnB so appreciate your guidance!

Level 1
North Vancouver, Canada

Thanks for clearing that up as I did not see it in my reservation I booked. What about the cleaning fee. I know checked it, but it is not listed. All I see is cost per night,  and the amont plus their fee.  No cleaning fee added to it.   Does Airbnb pay the cleaning fee later? 

Thanks for the explanation, but I'm still not quite sure how it works, who collects the money, does AirB&B collect that money from the guest after I claimed the deposit amount for the particular damage?

@Clare0 I am new too. I was able to add the deposit and cleaning fee. I just want to make sure that I understand what I read... Airbnb will not charge the guest the deposit. Can I ask the guest to provide me with those funds before arrival? Or would that be agains the rules/policy? 

@Clare0 ...thank you in advance I know my question maybe be rendundant

@Sandra404 No worries! Actually it is a great question and I hope many will see it and my answer.  Too many hosts do not realize the pitfalls of these types of cash transactions.   I saw a situation no long ago where a guest wanted / demanded a refund for $1,000 Security Deposit he had paid with a check to the host who wasn't refunding him.  Since Airbnb wasn't party to the transaction, there wasn't much Airbnb could do other than to to talk to the host.  

@Sandra404 Since Airbnb requires, with few exceptions, that all monetary transactions go through Airbnb, hosts are not allowed to request cash payment in advance or upon arrival for a Security Deposit.  This is for the protection of both hosts and guests.  If a dispute were to arise about a cash payment, Airbnb would not be able to mediate.  For example, let's say a guest paid you a Security Deposit and you refunded it at the end of the stay.  Then the guest says you had not given the refund.  It turns into a "he said, she said" situation that Airbnb has no knowledge of or way to determine the truth.  I can envision a million scenarios that could cause a big hassle. Best to let Airbnb handle the Security Deposit and be the mediator in disputes if necessary. 

I hope this helps!
