Same-Day Requests: A Community Help Guide

Top Contributor
Edmonton, Canada

Same-Day Requests: A Community Help Guide

-----------------Updated June 2017--------------------

An updated version of this Community Guide is now available, click here to view.




Some people do not want same day requests so you can have your calendar automatically block off same-day requests or the same day and the following day (2 days).


Same-Day Requests


Step 1: Go to "Host" and then "Manage Listings".  Then choose "Manage Listing and Calendar".


manage listing 2.png

Step 2: You will be taken to your listing calendar.  On the right hand side, select "Availability Settings" and then find the section "Same-Day Requests".  Choose the best option that suits your listing.


same day requests.png


Here is how each selection will look on your calendar:


I don't want same-day requests


The calendar will be blocked for that day and it will have a stopwatch image.


same day requests1.png


I dont want the same day or next-day requests


The calendar will be blocked for that day and the following day and it will have a stopwatch image.


same day requests2.png





Superhost Ambassador ~ Host Club Community Leader ~ Experienced Co-Host

5 Replies 5
Level 2
Nottingham Road, South Africa

I have received an enquiry in my phone and email.

When i click on the ACCEPT/DECLINE option

i am taken into the website but cannot see this enquiry anywhere?


I have emailed the guest declining as i could not respond via the internet site?


Please help. This is the first time i am doing this so need basic help.


Thank you

If it's a real enquiry, there must be a new message in your inbox or a notification in your dashboard. 

Are you sure there's nothing there?

Level 1
Tasmania, Australia

How do i accept a client that i have accidently declined 

You can send them a special offer after you decline.

Former Community Manager
Former Community Manager
London, United Kingdom

Hello Everyone,


Thanks for your participation here. I just wanted to let you know that there is now an updated version of this Community Guide, click here to view.


I will now close this topic for new posts. 


Thank you,




Thank you for the last 7 years, find out more in my Personal Update.

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